Welcome to “Thai language and cultural course in Rural Thailand!” We, the NKLS language school was established since 2006 under the Ministry of Education of Thailand, offers you a unique way of learning Thai language and traditions (custom, beliefs, religion, rituals and more) through first-hand experience. We will have a nice classroom environment for some Thai language and alphabet part of the learning process. Outdoor fun activities will be spent going to places and meeting the people and practice your Thai language. Here, you will experience the real view of Thailand and mingle with the Thais rather than reading it from the books. *The schedule activities may change due to weather, festivals, special events etc.
Qulity Education
Our teachers are certified by the Ministry of Education of Thailand ad are highly qualified experience teachers. They are able to give proper attention to all students. There specialized training focuses on effective instruct to local and international students.
Courses are designed to meet the need of those individuals who wish to improve their academic and language skill, or for personal and professional reasons.

นางสาวนฤมล กลิ่นมาลัย
ผู้บริหาร / ผู้รับใบอนุญาติ

นางสาวสิริรัฐ กลิ่นมาลัย

นางสาวปัทมา กลิ่นมาลัย

นางสาวสมบูรณ์ ชั่งโต
ครูวิทยาศาสตร์ – เคมี (มัธยม)

นางสะอาด พรพนม
ครูคณิตศาสตร์ / ฟิสิกส์ (มัธยม)

นางสาวสุพาพร นะกองดี
ครูคณิตศาสตร์ (ประถม)

Mr.Kaoru Yoshikawa